Wednesday, July 2, 2008

day twelve

now that ive gotten into the swing of things, time is flying by fairly fast. (45 left!!!) i cant believe its almost thursday! school is taking up a lot of time, so it helps things pass by quickly. i still have periodic homesickness but i guess its nothing i can really control at this point.

ANYWAYS enough about being sad and passing the time. last night the girls and i went to the french concession to this sushi resturant. 200 kuai, all you can eat and drink, including alcohol. now if i didnt all have class the next day im sure that we would have left them dry, but we behaved. the money we each paid was about 25 US dollars a piece. that is the most expensive meal ive had yet, but it was a very nice treat when we are eating for 2 dollars a day, mostly street vendor food.

this weekend our CIEE program is taking my business class to nanjing, its about a six hour train ride from shanghai. its mostly a historical town in mainland china, and has a ton of factories. i guess that it is way dirtier and more traditional chinese than shanghai, so it should be even more of a culture shock. im sure will write all about it soon. as for tonight, i cant decide if i should stay in or not. i have gotten most of my homework done, and it is my last "free" night for me to go out before next weekend. hrmmm decisions!

im really, really mad that i dont get to celebrate the fourth of july! ill be stuck on a train in the middle of china... bleh. it sucks even more that it is one of my favorite holidays. BUT, i am asking all of you to save fireworks for me so we can set them off when i get home! i want to have a bbq or something and eat lots of american food. as pathetic as it sounds, i dream of that because everything here is so strange and crowded.

thats about it for now. i wont have my computer with me from friday night till sunday afternoon, so i wont be on for awhile. miss all of you still, thanks for all the emails!


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