Sunday, June 29, 2008


today, the girls and i finally decided to try out the massages everyone has been talking about. they range in price, but being student travelers on a budget we went to the one that was listed as the cheapest in my travel guide. it is a massage parlor where blind people work on you... i know this is a strange idea but i guess it works for making jobs for people who are blind. you really do not need to be able to see in order to be a massuse. for less than 10 dollars, (60 renminbi) we got an hour long massage. it was AMAZING and i feel so much better after it. i think that we are going to start making it a habit to go every sunday, and for that price we can afford it. for 11 dollars total we even took a cab there and back. the place was located in the french concession, and this older blind man worked on me. i was a little freaked out at first by it, but im guessing he has been doing it for a long time. they do your back, neck, legs, feet, arms, head, and even your face for a bit.

other than that, we went back to english corner today to speak with more people. it was very intresting, yet again. no questions about guns or ethanol this time though, the setting was a little calmer. i'll make this one short since things are starting to settle in more, and i still have tons of reading to do. miss all of you, keep in touch!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

baby girl!!! im soooo proud of you! im sorry to hear your homesick and missing ME most of all, haha, but you will no doubt look back on this as an experience to mark in yoru lifetime. i cannot tell you how much you will grow and come back feeling so accomplished after doing a study abroad. im glad to hear your eating KFC and drinking beer when your sad...better than a tub of ben and jerry's here in the states! haha, thats sooo crazy that there are other KD's there (hell ya AOT bitches!)keep enjoying that " big, smelly" city and dont be afraid to try EVERYTHING! i love you, miss you like crazy, and cant wait for you to return!

much lovies!!!
ash working on getting skype. my cousin in england has been telling me about it for awhile now, but im really incompetent when it comes to techy stuff...but ill get there. LOVE YOU!!!