Tuesday, June 24, 2008

beginning to fit in... kinda, in that white girl way

so, today was MUCH better. i had a break down the other night. i was extremely homesick, tired, food deprived, and just all around frustrated with culture shock. after about an hour or tears, phone calls, ect jordan took me to get kfc and beer. i felt much better afterwards, and finally fell asleep.

today i woke up feeling totally fine and was good for most of the day. i usually being to feel a tad homesick around 5-6, but then its time to go study or hit the bars/clubs so im fine. its been really fun to go out with my new group of friends in my program. there are two other KDs on this trip, go figure! they are both really amazing, along with everyone ele.

this morning we took our chinese placement test. i was super nervous, but by the end of all of written and speaking parts i think i had done pretty well for three weeks of no practice. i got placed in intermediate II, so thats just about where i should be. i probably could place myself in advanced I, but i would rather get a good grade and really refine what i know already before making it hard for me. i got placed into the advanced business class though, so im VERY excited about that. it is all about business in china, which is exactly what i love to study and focuses very well with my major.

after that we made a trip to the oriental pearl tower and went to the top. it was too smoggy to see much from the top but we could still see the bund. after that we just headed back to the dorms. long day of walking, ive probably walked about 3 miles total today. more to come tonight... we have class tomorrow at 10, but then after that we are done at one. i think that the girls and i are going to go out to the club, i love shanghai. tonight is ladies night, so basically we pay for nothing. it should be fun, and taking a taxi is super safe so we will be fine. i dont want anyone worrying!

like always, i miss ALL of you and im finally getting settled in. it is nice not to be quite so homesick and feel that i am getting the hang of things. this is probably the strangest place ever, or at least the strangest ive been to yet. love you all and dont forget to write me!

xo, em

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I am finally getting around to reading your blog. I just wanted you to know how proud I am that you are in the advanced business.

You knew I would be.

Miss you and our bathroom time!