Friday, June 20, 2008


So I made it to Canada safe. The flight was easy, only about an hour or so. The flight attendant dude said "Eh!" a lot, so that was enteratining. Jordan and I are enjoying our last subway for awhile, but I've heard that they have it there, so maybe it wont be so bad.

We still have about two hours until our flight, hopefully the bar will open soon so I can "relax" before the flight. We already met some kids from our program, and they seem cool so I'm really excited for that too. The Vancouver airport is really nice, nicer than I expcted (if anyone even cares, random I know). Um.... I miss everyone already! I hope that all of you are chillin and enjoying your summer. As for that, I've now been awake for 24 hours straight, the only nap being my hour in the car ride to pdx.

I'm done for now, my brain isn't functioning very well at this point.


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