Sunday, June 22, 2008

ughh im so exhausted. orientation is really taking a lot out of me.

first we had a tour of the ECNU (east china normal university), classroom presentations, ect, lunch at a homestay family's apartment, shopping (got a cell phone, yay!), and now we are back at the dorms. im SO tired but we are going to go to the french consession and get some "western" food. i really havent eaten much today, so hopefully i will feel better after that.

that is a picture of the mega mall we went to today. SO crazy. i could never imagine finding my way in there by myself. i was so disoriented, but i guess i have been that way all day. this place is so big, crowded, funny smelling, and lots of other things. its definitely interesting. i guess i really didnt know what to expect, but this is what i got. it is a super fun place though, and im sure once i get a set schedule i will settle in a lot better.
still miss everyone a lot, remember to email or write me!
xo, em

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha East China Normal sounds like State Female Normal. go KD